San Antonio Botanical Garden - June 2015
Once again, the San Antonio Botanical Garden has new sights to discover. The older dormant plants began to bloom and newer species were introduced for visitors to admire.
The Plants
There were hardy cacti and succulents, tiny water lilies, as well as some trees and ferns with intense patterns and colors, the brilliant Flaming Sword (the two yellow clashing "blades" photo), and pitcher plants:
The Flowers
Some of these flowers must have been new additions, because this time I saw a purple brooding flower, a small flower with even smaller flowers inside itself (super meta), and a bromeliad with a tiny pool of water:
The Critters
Since the flowers were blooming all over the place, bugs gathered to drink the nectar and snack on each other. Among the bugs were Monarch Butterflies, Dragonflies, a Crab Spider (which I spotted as my brother nearly stumbled into it), and an Orb-weaver Spider, an iridescent wasp crawling around. And no stranger to the Gardens were the birds, including a starving grackle and a barn swallow:
Most of the close-up shots were taken with my compact OLYMPUS SZ-10, but the OLYMPUS E-500 DSLR has started to produce some brilliant photos, which will eventually become my main camera of choice.